The Man Who Changed the World

Have you ever wondered what the purpose of God's plan is? All of God's efforts are centered around one grand objective, to give immortality eternal life and endless happiness to all of God's children. But as Romans 3:23 says, we all come short of the glory of God. We make mistakes, we disobey God's commandments, and we sin. Because of sin we are unable to return to live with God. So, we're in need of saving.

Elder Riley

From the very beginning God provided a way: Jesus Christ is that way.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ walked the earth, teaching God’s children how to receive eternal life. His ministry not only changed individual peoples’ lives, but changed the world forever.

Watch the following video to learn more about Jesus Christ.

This video is the fifth in a series about God’s Plan for all of us.


The Things of My Soul


Christmas in the Foothills