How to Stay on Jesus’ Path

Christ and the Book of Mormon Children, by Del Parson

Hi, my name is Corina. Today I’m going to talk about how to stay on Jesus’s path. When we read our scriptures this is one way to stay on this path. 

In a talk by Elder Robert D Hales, called “Holy Scriptures: The Power of God Unto Our Salvation,” he says: “The scriptures are essential in receiving a testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. This is one way that can help us know and love Him.” The scriptures help lead and guide us on the path to Jesus!

It's also very important to listen to the spirit. This will help us grow closer to Christ. I have a story about listening to the Spirit that I like to share with all of you. Recently, I had an experience where I was feeling sad because I felt like I let someone down and disappointed them. Within a few minutes, a close friend that is sitting here today, randomly knocked on my door, asked for me and said “The Holy Spirit told me to stop by and give Corina a hug“. I was so surprised! I started to cry because I couldn’t believe that in that moment someone would show up right when I needed them!

I felt like Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed right then, and because this sweet person was listening and in tune to Holy Ghost, she acted on this prompting at the exact moment that I needed comfort. She is such a good example to me of listening to promptings that come from the Spirit. 

When we listen to promptings we help others and grow closer to our Savior!

Another thing we can do to follow Jesus’s path is to pray and try to not listen to tempting thoughts that we may have. The scriptures give us ways to avoid temptation. Doctrine and Covenants 10:5 says, “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” 

Prayer gives us guidance and strength from our Heavenly Father to resist temptation. It’s like a tool to use against Satan! Heavenly Father will help us through these temptations. We can also resist temptation by consistent obedience. If you resist, time and time again, you become stronger and stronger and it’s easier to keep saying no and make good choices. Heavenly Father will strengthen you! Alma 34:27 reads, “Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.”

God wants to hear from us and promises blessings of strength to those who seek Him.

I’d like to bear my testimony. I know that the gospel and our Savior and the Holy Ghost are real. Heavenly Father knows each and every one of us loves us more than we know. He wants us to succeed and gives us the tools to do better each and every day. I love him and can’t wait to see Him one day. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Corina is a child in the Auburn Stake who originally gave this talk (sermon) in her congregation’s worship services. She also gave this talk to her friends in Primary.


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